It’s a new year. Hallelujah!
And I want to say to all you subscribers… I promise and guarantee to be better at sending the newsletter out on time. Get it out to you around the beginning of each month. At least through March, anyway. After that, I usually lose control, my disciplines fade, and things get done without method, capriciously. So, I guess this can be my resolution for 25. I want more discipline in my life.
So, here’s what I intend to do more of this year:
And more time playing golf, pickleball, and racquetball. And especially reading more books.
And this:
Spending time with my grandson. Seeing him grow up into an astute, purposeful man he’s on track to be. So proud of him.
And, of course, my writing. I’m crafting the next dystopian thriller novel due out late this year. And I’ve got a folder of short stories I want to share with you.
According to John Steinbeck, it’s important to write with discipline. Steinbeck’s. Here’s a quote from him.
“The discipline of the written word punishes both stupidity and dishonesty.”
Ouch! That’s a gut punch, John.
That’s it for now, folks. Next edition I have a short story that came from a powerful scene that didn’t make it in my first novel BLOODLINE RUN. It got cut. But it was so good that I adapted it into a short story.
Stay safe out there. And stay tuned.
Happy New Year